Business Intelligence

Complete data transparency enables better decision making. Analysing present and historical data within the business context not only enhances operations to run smoother and more efficiently. It also allows you to discover challenges to be addressed before they become problems, and opportunities to leverage before your competition does.

Integrieren Sie verschiedene Datensilos

Daten aus jedem Geschäftssilo stellen nur einen Teil der Geschichte dar. Wir können Ihnen helfen, Daten aus jedem System zu integrieren und Verbindungen zwischen ihnen zu entdecken.

Die richtigen Daten
Zur richtigen Zeit

Working together, we can customise your dashboards to your specific needs. Great data integration and visualisation reveal insights exactly when you need them most.

Unterstützung beim Datenmanagement

Siehe Erfahrungsberichte

By 2022, 60% of organisations will leverage machine learning enabled data quality technology for suggestions to reduce manual tasks for data quality management (2020 Gartner magic quadrant for data quality management).

Retaining a competitive advantage requires businesses to constantly monitor, evaluate and modify services, operations and processes, which means businesses depend on access to timely and accurate data. Qubiz helps clients modernise their data management strategy, providing availability, accessibility, security and protection. Our engineers ensure your data is always ready to go: fit for purpose, complete, clean and easy to work with.

Using historical and present data

Using big data analytics is becoming ever more critical to business operations. Whether it’s descriptive/diagnostic analytics used within the finance sector or predictive/prescriptive actions within healthcare, CIOs are seeing the benefits of how real-time data transforms business.

Verbessern Sie die Qualität durch Analysen

The Qubiz data modernisation process ensures that your business is working as efficiently as possible.
• Focus on data strategy and data quality
• Understand data relationships across the business
• Speed and accessibility
• Company-wide integrations
• Data hygiene, eliminating human error

Verwalten, bewahren und sichern Sie Ihre Datenmengen

Data is used for making informed business decisions and optimising business operations. When used together with artificial intelligence technologies, it can increase revenue and profits. A data management strategy is a critical component of effective business regulatory compliance requirements like data privacy. Additionally, protection laws such as GDPR are essential within big data organisations. Developing data architecture is how we begin the management process. We create a blueprint for your databases and data platforms to be deployed. With well-designed data architecture, data can be unlimited to siloed systems which will be easier to integrate and manage. Otherwise, it can ultimately restrict business growth.

Warum wählen Sie uns?

Wir haben viele Softwareanwendungen entwickelt, die Millionen von Benutzern auf der ganzen Welt erreicht haben. Mit einer ergebnisorientierten Kultur können unsere Teams alle auftretenden Herausforderungen meistern. Dies ermöglicht Ihrem Unternehmen eine effektivere Ressourcenallokation, insbesondere in Wachstumsszenarien mit hoher Geschwindigkeit. Gleichzeitig können Sie sicher sein, dass Sie mit uns immer das Beste im Spiel an Ihrer Seite haben.
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